Thursday, February 5, 2009

Cell Phone Paging: Fill Seats, Save Money

How Cell Phone Paging Can Fill More Seats In Your Restaurant While Saving You Money.

Our model 7450 guest paging system featuring coasters and our patented cell phone paging technology can save your restaurant operations money by first of all, reducing the number of coaster pagers you need to initially purchase from typically 30 to 40 pagers per system without cell phone paging down to 15 to 20 pagers with cell phone paging. Our cell phone paging option adds $212.00 to a guest paging system so you can reduce your initial guest paging system investment by $530.00 for a 30 to 15 coaster system and $788.00 on a 40 to 20 coaster system assuming that coasters sell for about $50.00 each. Another money saving benefit for cell phone paging come via eliminating loss coasters, especially if you are in an area where guest get on your wait list and physically leave your restaurant. No pagers leaving the restaurant means no loss. Also, less pagers means less maintenance cost for managers time, phone calls to the manufacturer, packing and shipping of defective pagers, etc. That extra $212.00 for cell phone paging is starting to look like a wise investment by now, isn't it? One last benefit, once our transmitter is hooked into the phone system you can now page managers in your restaurant from any phone, anywhere. This feature is called "phone interconnect" and it is virtually free to you since it is built into our model 7450 cell phone transmitter. Visit our link at or call me direct at 877-942-9926 for answers to any of your restaurant paging questions.

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